Shipyard Famagusta Announces Badges Sponsorship to East Med Maritime Conference 2019

Shipyard Famagusta Announces Badges Sponsorship to East Med Maritime Conference 2019

Shipyard Famagusta, Cyprus based leading service provider for vessels operating in the Eastern Mediterranean region, proudly announces being the badges sponsor to the East Med Maritime Conference 2019, to be held on June 19 & 20, 2019.

Naval Architect & Marine Engineer Musa Gokalp Gundogdu, Marketing Manager at Shıpyard Famagusta said: “This platform will enable our company to sustain its relations with all Lebanese maritime aspects, as our company plays a big role, particularly in Lebanese ships community. Eastern Mediterranean region has been our hub for dock and repair services since 1989, so it gives us great honor to sponsor East Med Maritime Conference 2019, which will perfectly suit our strategy to re-position ourselves as a prominent shipyard in the Middle East and the region.”

Gundogdu said that East Med Maritime Conference 2019 will be the perfect platform to expand the company’s prospects in Lebanon and the region, as the company recently announced that its plan is to primarily reach more potential business associates and promote its increasing activities and capacities. He added: “EMMC 2019 will be the place where global maritime sector leaders will gather to set the future direction of the maritime industry, and Shipyard Famagusta will set its foot on the right track by sponsoring this high profile event.”

With the company’s latest projects and accomplishments, Shipyard Famagusta has recently established a fully equipped workshop to carry out engine, pump, valve, boiler, alternator maintenance and repairs in a technological and spare ready atmosphere.

The company has also completed 2 Italian class approved tugboats of 15 meters length, ready for operation, and one mooring boat project for Beirut Pilotage Station is on its way.

Highlighting Shipyard Famagusta’s contribution, East Med Maritime Conference 2019 Organizer and Director of Oceanic Spark sarl, Louay Chaaban, said: “Support from international shipyard leaders like Shipyard Famagusta Cyprus demonstrates the ongoing importance of East Med Maritime Conference on the maritime sector’s global calendar.”


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